Q&A with Susan Vaughn

We know the question on our members’ minds is what are The Matriots endorsed candidates up to? Whether representing their district, pursuing careers in the private sector or planning a future run for office, our Class of 2018 is changing the game!
Susan ran for Ohio House District 51 in 2018, which includes parts of the Cincinnati metro area.
1) You ran a hard-fought campaign in 2018, can you tell our members what you have been up to since the election?
After a couple of months of R & R, enjoying my newly retired life (as of August 2018 32 years at Miami University), I’m now back in the race! I am seeking a seat on Hamilton City Council.
2) In January we gathered our Class of 2018 candidates for a post-election candidate conversation, where we debriefed on our candidates’ experience in 2018. Can you share with our members one of the lessons you learned from running for office in Ohio?
The people I met, the relationships that were created, the knowledge I gained about issues within my district, changed my life. Though disillusioned at times and brief feelings of defeat, I realize I am a better person for having run for office (first attempt) and I am even more passionate about serving my community.
3) We believe that when women are involved in the political process, they change the conversation. From your perspective, how did women change the conversation in 2018? And how do you think women will continue to change the conversation in 2019 and beyond?
Women changed the conversation because we bring unique perspectives to issues that impact everyone. There is strength in numbers and I believe The Matriots Class of 2018 caused people to listen and together, we were a stronger force. The women I met through Matriots events and within the endorsed Class of 2018, are unbelievably talented, dedicated to causes, educated, passionate and willing to wear many hats to accomplish our goals.
4) The Matriots PAC will endorse women running for city and school board seats in 2019. Why do you believe it is important to support women running for local offices in 2019?
I echo what I said above (#3). The Matriots endorsement, financial support and weekly communication/motivation all were extremely beneficial.
5) Now for fun: Tell us about your favorite thing to do in the great state of Ohio. It can be a hobby, a favorite place to eat or something we might not know about our state!
Ohio, in particular Hamilton, Ohio, has been my home my entire life. I have visited every corner of our beautiful state, hiked and biked the countryside, stayed in small inns, enjoyed fabulous meals in unique restaurants and met so many people who also call Ohio home. But, there is no place like home, Hamilton! I invite everyone to visit Hamilton and enjoy the famous “Donut Trail”, wonderful music and entertainment at the beautiful River’s Edge, Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, ArtSpace, bike trails and unique boutiques throughout our city.