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Women are significantly underrepresented in Ohio public office.
The Ohio General Assembly has been no more than 31% female since women were first admitted to the state legislature in 1922. And about 150 women have served in the Ohio legislature since that time, according to www.ohiostatehouse.org.
Of the 282 county commissioners in Ohio in 2017, only 15% were women, according to 2017 County Commissioners Association of Ohio Roster, www.ccao.org.
Political participation by women is low in Ohio.
Ohio ranks 28th in the nation in terms of political participation by women, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.
American women are the primary consumers in America, yet we do not enjoy political power equal to our economic power
- “[American] Women drive 70–80% of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence. Influence means that even when a woman isn’t paying for something herself, she is often the influence or veto vote behind someone else’s purchase,” according to National Partnership for Women and Families, April 2016, nationalpartnership.org.
- “On average, Ohio women who are employed full time lose a combined total of more than $17 billion every year due to the wage gap. These women, their families, businesses and the economy suffer as a result. Lost wages mean families have less money to save for the future or to spend on basic goods and services – spending that helps drive the economy,” according to Forbes.com.
- When there is political leadership and participation by all women, good government follows.
- A growing body of evidence indicates that women’s political participation, specifically more women in elected office, results in women’s increased economic independence, as well as policy and legislation that emphasizes the value of women’s human, civil, and reproductive rights.
Gender Parity Index
2024 Report by Represent Women
A Quota Worth Making
America should consider structural reforms to increase women’s representation in politics. –U.S. News & World Report
Representation Matters: Women Political Leaders
A higher rate of women political representation is closely linked to legal equality and economic opportunity.
While training in public policy and candidate-readiness exists in Ohio, support in the form of endorsement, money, votes and influence is lacking.
There is a great need for nonpartisan political action committees in Ohio dedicated to getting women elected to office to promote women-friendly economic policy.
The Terrifying Experience Of Trying To Fundraise As A Woman Candidate
Women candidates face unique barriers when it comes to asking for money. – Huffington Post