The Buzz

August 20, 2020
Meet A Member: Carolyn Jones

As a retired mental health professional, my commitment to the work of impacting the lives of children has continued in my role as a member of the Cincinnati Public Schools Board of Education, currently serving as President for the third year. As a proud graduate of public education, a parent, grandparent, and great-grandparent of children in public education, I recognized the importance of being involved in the decisions impacting my children. And, as a former coach and mentor, believing that “it takes a village to raise a child,” I have dedicated my efforts in public service to improving educational outcomes for children.
I am extremely honored and appreciative of the Matriots’ endorsement of my 2019 campaign for re-election to the Cincinnati Public School Board of Education. The mission of this organization to elect more women to office in Ohio, impacting political change by empowering women, like me, to run for office is absolutely a crucial step in achieving social justice, equity, and equality for all people. It has truly been an empowering experience to network with wonderfully bright and talented women who, because of a diversity of opinions, thoughts, ideas, political platforms, are collectively involved in a bigger mission to empower women to seek public office and leadership roles in Ohio.
Women serve a key role in the well-being of our society, not only as caregivers of families, but in economic, political, and advocacy domains. I became a member of the Matriots with the knowledge of and enthusiasm in recognizing that women are key influencers of the ideals and policies that impact political change. The Matriots bring together women of diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and political platforms, all for the purpose of operationalizing a movement to “grow” leadership by supporting the achievements of talented and dedicated women. Women must continue to operate on legislative and political platforms as the change agents needed to give authority and guidance to political activity that ensures gender equity. In addition, it is important for women to be role models and mentors for other women who might seize similar opportunities for political representation. I recognize the importance of empowering women to serve in public arenas, aligning with a broader vision to ensure women are represented and validated as change agents in a prosperous society.
Ultimately, we are defined by what we do, not who we are. I am proud to be a Matriot!
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Meet A Member: Victoria Alesi