Victoria Parks
Cincinnati City Council
Southwest Ohio, Local
A champion for equity and a trailblazer in Cincinnati, Victoria Parks is seeking re-election to Cincinnati City Council. Much of Councilwoman Parks’ contributions to the city have concentrated on equitable practices in Public Health. In her previous role as elected County Commissioner, she authored a declaration for the Hamilton County proclaiming that racism is a Public Health Crisis, created the Office of Family Voices, and wrote the resolution to recognize Juneteenth a paid holiday. Since joining City Council in 2021, Councilwoman Parks also pushed to amend the city code to prohibit discrimination against breastfeeding mothers in businesses, and advocated for period product access in City buildings.
When re-elected, Parks wants to continue her focus on Public Health, specifically focusing on healthy food purchasing and banning flavored tobacco consumption. We know she will continue to be a strong voice on council, advocating passionately for her constituents and pushing Matriots values forward.
Victoria Parks for City CouncilOur approach to racial justice must be a regional approach with collaboration from the County, City Council, the Mayor’s office, community councils, and every one of us.
– Councilmember Victoria Parks