Ruth Teeters
Chillicothe City Council, Ward 1
Southeast Ohio, Local
Ruth Teeters is running for Chillicothe City Council, Ward 1. As a school psychologist, Ruth has served as a school administrator at all levels.
Believing in civic responsibility and involvement, Ruth is ready to give back to the city of Chillicothe that she loves. If elected, Ruth plans to return civility and respect to the Chillicothe City Council. Passionate about education and its importance to the community, Ruth will fight to instill Matriot’s values.
As an educator serving in Appalachia, my goal has always been to teach the young ladies about our culture and help them know, understand, and embrace their culture. Once they understand where they come from, the values associated with Appalachia, we teach skills that will help each young lady to set goals in their education that will lead to jobs and careers for life.
– Ruth Teeters