Monica Wilson
Parma City Council, Ward 1
Northeast Ohio, Local
As a Parma resident for over 30 years, Councilmember Wilson knows the incredible impact that the City Council has on the lives of its residents and the importance of creating meaningful policy. Councilmember Wilson was first appointed to Parma City Council in 2022, making her the first Black person to serve on council in the history of Parma. Growing up in a working-class union household deeply prepared her to understand the diverse needs of Parma residents and how to address them most efficiently and effectively. Councilmember Wilson worked hard to earn her BS and MS in Chemical Engineering. She utilizes these skills as a Global Product Manager, a position that requires an advanced level of expertise and the proficiency to work across languages and cultures to successfully manage global multimillion-dollar projects. For the past decade, Councilmember Wilson’s leadership skills and knack for solving problems have taken each company she has worked at to innovative places. She knows the type of leader necessary to successfully serve her community on Parma City Council and is dedicated to being a leader who stands for Matriots values and one her constituents can depend on.
Keep Monica WilsonMy personal motto is that there is nothing more important on earth than a human being. All people must be at the table for us to create a better community. I want to remain the voice of Ward 1, Parma, Ohio.
– Councilmember Monica Wilson