Michele Grim
Toledo City Council
Northwest Ohio, Local
Michele Grim has dedicated her professional life to bettering the city of Toledo. Her run for Toledo City Council speaks clearly of her desire to uplift and support more people in her community. With a background in public health, Grim is no stranger to managing problems and finding solutions for her community. Her background working closely with domestic violence and sexual assault survivors informed her role as a public policy researcher. Every step of the way, Michele has applied the stories and lessons of her experiences to better the next groups she serves. With a role on city council, she can go even further.
Make a Difference with Michele! Grim for Toledo City CouncilMeet the Candidate
Can you tell our members a little bit about your journey to filing as a candidate?
I have worked in public service for most of my career. I have a Master’s in Public Health and have worked in various non-profit organizations working with underserved communities and working to strengthen healthcare and essential services in these communities. I received my doctorate in law and policy in 2020, which piqued my interest in running for local office. When the opportunity came to screen for the Lucas County Democratic Party for Toledo City Council At-Large, I decided to go for it. I’m delighted to have the support of the party and be running with my unique expertise in public health and policy.
Tip O’Neill famously said that “all politics is local.” What are the top two issues your community faces today and how do you plan to address them?
- One issue is public safety and gun violence. As a gun violence prevention advocate who studied Extreme Risk Protection Orders during my doctoral studies, I have a ten-point plan to reduce gun violence that is an evidence-based approach.
- Another issue is social determinants of health. Once one council, I will propose that Toledo adopt a Health in All Policies initiative to make sure that health is at the forefront of all city policies.
What stands out in our values as most important to you and your experience (or expected experience) in public office? Our values are:
∙ Economic empowerment
∙ Equity and independence
∙ Dominion over our bodies
∙ Access to education
∙ Safe communities in which to live and raise our families
All of these values stand out as important to me. In order for the community to thrive, we need a comprehensive approach that includes all of the core values of The Matriots.
What does a Matriots PAC endorsement mean to you and your campaign?
It means paving the way for women to run for office. Communities thrive and succeed when women lead and The Matriots endorsement makes it possible for women to have the confidence to run and be elected to office. I am very grateful to have the endorsement of the Matriots PAC and I’m excited to serve!