Mary Lightbody
State Representative, District 4
Central Ohio, State Legislature
Representative Mary Lightbody is a fearless advocate ready to continue fighting for her constituents and all Ohioans. A dedicated educator, Representative Lightbody has been teaching for over 30 years at the K-12 level, as well as at the collegiate level, and currently serves as a full-time Senior Lecturer in the Department of Education at the Ohio State University, Newark Campus. She is also the Secretary of the Ohio Democratic Women’s Legislative Caucus, working with her colleagues to identify a number of bills to be brought forward to the General Assembly; legislation that collectively seeks to provide better financial security, better health benefits and outcomes for women, lower rates of black maternal and infant mortality, and equal pay for equal work. In the House, she has introduced and fought for a bill that would require the Director of Environmental Protection to adopt rules that lower contaminants in our drinking water, and legislation that increases access to child care supports our workforce by allowing single women with children to accept job advancement opportunities without losing their childcare benefits. She was first endorsed by The Matriots in 2018 and continues to push for Matriots values to be reflected at the Statehouse. When reelected, Representative Lightbody will continue to fight tirelessly to introduce legislation that is reflective of the incredible communities she represents.
Reelect Mary LightbodyI am seeking a third term in office because I know the work that is needed to introduce good policy, gather support for the bills I sponsor, and work with my colleagues to support strong bi-partisan legislation that improves the lives of Ohioans who need a hand up.
– Representative Mary Lightbody