Lynn M. Mangan
Loveland Board of Education
Southwest Ohio, Local
As a proud parent of four sons, three who graduated Loveland High School and one who is a current senior, Lynn Mangan is thankful for her children’s education through the Loveland City School District. Passionate about the availability and quality of public education for all students, Lynn Mangan is ready to serve on the Loveland Board of Education and would bring with her a variety of experiences. She is a part of Citizens for Loveland City Schools; Lynn chaired the levy campaigns for March 2020, November 2022, and May 2022. She has been very active with the Loveland City School District, as well, serving on the board planning commission finance and communications committee. Through those committees, she has worked on understanding school funding, recommended solutions for improving communications with the Loveland community, and completed an analysis of extracurriculars, income tax, and certified staff and administrative staff.
Lynn believes that access to high quality public education is critical to the community and is currently in jeopardy. She will continue to advocate for and innovate in public schools so that students succeed. When elected, Lynn will invest in quality education for the children of Loveland’s future. She will have a ‘no surprises’ approach when it comes to fiscal responsibility. This includes seeing where the money is being spent, how they are diversifying revenue to the district, and a clear focus on the long term while taking care of the short-term needs. Lastly, a connected community fosters and grows the existing spirit of giving back, and Lynn knows it is important to help the students recognize they are part of a bigger whole.
Lynn Mangan for Loveland School BoardI believe that an exceptional education goes beyond textbooks and the classroom. It’s this passion that propels me to bring my expertise to Loveland City Schools by running for the Board of Education.
– Lynn Mangan