Katie Eadiciccio
Reading City Council
Southwest Ohio, Local
Currently serving her second term as City Councilmember, Katie Eadicicco is seeking re-election. As a lifelong Reading resident, Katie plans to continue her work on the City Council to give back to the community she loves. As a councilmember, she recently worked on getting DORA approved in the Bridal District and along Reading Rd. Councilmember Eadicicco also worked with the committee and the administration on cleaning up and updating property maintenance codes and working to enforce them better. When re-elected, she will continue pushing the administration to invest more in the community and work to eliminate unsafe conditions for families and children. Councilmember Eadicicco has upheld the Matriots values, and we know she will continue to do so when re-elected.
We have a great council group working with our city’s administration to move the city forward. We have accomplished a lot together, and we have a lot of plans. Our city council has spent many years divided, and citizens are happy to see us working together.
– Councilwoman Katie Eadicicco