Kari Suhadolnik
Stow City Council, Ward 4
Northeast Ohio, Local
Kari Suhadolnik has been a resident of Stow since 2006 and is active in grassroots community and political organizing including co-founding a nonprofit that serves the economically disadvantaged Stow residents. SMF NICE helped to eliminate $10,000 of school lunch debt and giving back $40,000 to the community. The Stow Mayor has appointed her to the CARES Team collaboration between the city, the school district, other local nonprofits, hospitals, and businesses which has implemented clothing closets into the schools, found housing solutions for those facing eviction or homelessness, provided assistance to senior citizens, organized school supply drives, and created a local resource guide. She also has been a mayor-appointed and council-approved member of the Stow Arts Commission. She is a member of the school district’s Facilities Master Planning Committee. She now believes it is time to commit to government service by running for a council ward seat.