Josephine Chan
Beachwood Board of Education
Northeast Ohio, Local
As a mother of two, Dr. Josephine Chan understands the value of and importance of having excellent schools in Beachwood. After being appointed to the Beachwood Board of Education in January 2022, Dr. Chan has worked tirelessly to hire administrators, engage with the community, and fight for the approval of an important bond levy.
In this role, she has shown that she is a vital part of the Beachwood Board of Education and community. In her professional career, Dr. Chan has served as the Director for the Clinical Trials Unit at University Hospital’s Seidman Cancer Center. This position allows her to combine her love for science with proven leadership skills to advance treatment for patients. When re-elected, Dr. Chan seeks to ensure students receive the best education, experience, and opportunities possible during their formative years. We know she will continue to be an excellent champion for Matriots values.
Josephine Chan for Beachwood Board of EducationI often mentor young ladies from high school to college at my work. I want these young women to gain confidence, attain goals, and expand their networks
– Dr. Jospehine Chan