Jennifer Brunner
Chief Justice, Ohio Supreme Court
Statewide, Statewide
Justice Jennifer Brunner currently serves as a Justice on the Ohio Supreme Court. Since her election in 2020, Justice Brunner has brought her discipline and integrity to the state’s highest court. The first (and only) woman to be elected Secretary of State, she has spent decades in public service advocating for justice for every Ohioan. Justice Brunner spent seventeen years in private law practice before running for judge of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas. After serving for nearly five years in that role, she was then elected a judge of the Tenth District Court of Appeals. Throughout her storied career, Jennifer Brunner has received numerous accolades and awards – notably, she was the first Ohioan to receive the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award while serving as Secretary of State.
The Matriots is incredibly proud to once again endorse Jennifer Brunner for the Supreme Court of Ohio. Justice Brunner has the expertise and experience necessary to serve as administrative and policy leader of the Court as Chief Justice. Her work as Secretary of State, as an appellate judge, and in the Republic of Serbia, Egypt, and Sri Lanka providing rule of law technical expertise and election observation make Brunner uniquely suited for the role of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Matriots know that a Supreme Court led by Justice Jennifer Brunner will mean a new vision for Ohio in which women can prosper.
Justice Jennifer Brunner for Chief Justice Ohio Supreme CourtI’m running for Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court because justice matters for every Ohioan. Steady and principled leadership of the state’s highest court is essential to helping Ohioans realize justice in their everyday lives.
– Justice Jennifer Brunner