Erika White
State Representative, District 42
Northwest Ohio, State Legislature
Erika White is a mother, telecommunication specialist, community volunteer, and the wife of a firefighter. She knows firsthand the importance of creating a safe and healthy environment for our families to thrive in and is committed to helping improve the wellbeing of her community. Erika is a health expert who created her Fitzone brand as a way of motivating members of her community to achieve their highest potential. She has been the fitness and diet expert for 13abc since 2015, and also serves as the Chair for Healthy Lucas County. Erika is a dedicated representative and advocate for union workers in both the public and private sector through her work as President of Communications for Workers of America Local 4319. She is prepared to use her skills and expertise to fight for the middle class, for safe neighborhoods, a strong economy with living-wage jobs, and fair funding for schools at the Statehouse.
Elect Erika White for State RepresentativeI am running to continue the work as an activist for working people, access to healthcare, pay equity, and securing state funding for Northwest Ohio. I want to ensure equality for women and minorities that are a huge part of my platform.
– Erika White