Elizabeth Walters
Summit County Council, At-large
Northeast Ohio, Countywide
Elizabeth Walters serves as the current Summit County Executive Council President and has held office since 2016. She was also elected as the Ohio Democratic Party Chair in 2021. For the last ten years, Council President Walters has worked for organizations that seek to improve the lives of middle-class families right in Summit County—working for local non-profits alongside the men and women of organized labor, leading Democratic campaigns and organizations, and serving as a senior aide to Congresswoman Betty Sutton in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District. Born and raised in northeast Ohio, she has been the driving force behind initiatives that focus on women’s economic independence and equity. Under her leadership as President, Summit County became the first county in Ohio to institute paid parental leave for all county employees. A dynamic and dedicated public servant, reelecting Council President Walters will ensure that Matriots values are continually promoted across the county.
Walters for OhioWomen play a vital role in the economics of our community in the workforce and by steering family purchase power. As a Member At-large on Summit County Council, I have advocated and passed legislation which includes an allocation of $12 million in direct grant funding to help 3,000 minority-owned (including women!) small businesses weather the recession. Additionally, I supported a county-wide investment in expanding broadband services. This leads to greater opportunity for access to the digital world so our women and families can meet their professional and personal obligations more readily.
– Councilwoman Elizabeth Walters