Corrine Sanderson
Youngstown City Council, Ward 5
Northeast Ohio, Local
Corrine Sanderson, a candidate for Youngstown City Council’s 5th Ward, understands the value of education and the need for equal opportunities. As the first person in her family to graduate from College, Corrine set out to make sure her community benefited from strong schools. She currently serves on the Youngstown City Schools Board and has previously worked as a substitute teacher and tutor. While on the school board she secured a contract with Local 396 Plumbers and Pipefitters union with Choffin Career Center and fought for the Early Warning System as a proactive method for dealing with truancy. She has fostered more than 33 at-risk children and gone on to partner with their mothers as a mentor. She has seen first hand the challenges many in her community face and is determined to stem the tide of job loss and struggling schools by advocating for fair pay, supporting entrepreneurship and educating women about their constitutional rights.
Meet the Candidate
Can you tell our members a little bit about your journey to filing as a candidate?
One of the reasons I decided to run for City Council was because of the families I had the pleasure of meeting during my four year term on the school board. While serving on the school board, I realized the difficulties our students faced were due to poverty, drug addiction and the high levels of crime that impacted their neighborhoods.
Tell our members about a friend or family member who inspired you to become a leader.
My Mother was my inspiration for running for office. She didn’t have the opportunity to graduate from High School because of being a teen Mom, but she always taught me to value education and to have a strong work ethic. I spent most of my life trying to be an inspiration for other young ladies that need a little guidance to see their full potential.
Some of you are military veterans, some small business owners, some professionals, some mothers and grandmothers, some homemakers. How did one of these experiences shape who you are as a person and leader?
I believe my experiences volunteering at church, becoming a Foster Parent and working as a school teacher has taught me a lot about our community and gives me better perspective on learning how to serve in the community before becoming a leader.
The Matriots PAC has a goal to see 50% of all elected offices in Ohio held by women by 2028. What is your vision for Ohio in 2028?
My goal for my community by 2028 is solve the issues of homelessness in the City and to reduce unemployment from 10% to 5%.
Tip O’Neill famously said that “all politics is local.” What are the top-two issues your community or our state face today?
The top two problems my community faces are poverty and lack of education.
Tell us something personal about yourself.
Something interesting about myself is, I’m using the “Art of War” as my campaign strategy.