Corrine Sanderson
Youngstown Municipal Court Clerk
Northeast Ohio, Statewide
Corrine Sanderson is running for Youngstown Municipal Court Clerk. She is passionate about betterment of young people in her community and accessible education. Sanderson previously served on Youngstown Board of Education where she initiated a new contract for Choffin Career Center and was a proponent for addressing truancy.
Serving as a paralegal for many years, Board Member Sanderson has a clear vision for the city of Youngstown. She hopes to maximize transparency for constituents. Economic independence and empowerment is of utmost importance to her as well. When elected as Youngstown Municipal Court Clerk, we know Board Member Sanderson will use all of her experience to continue to fight for Matriots values and push for positive initiatives in her community to move her city forward.
Corrine Sanderson for Clerk of CourtsI believe with your support my campaign will motivate our young ladies in Youngstown to become advocates for change.
– Corrine Sanderson