Cate Berger
State Representative, District 41
Southwest Ohio, State Legislature
Cate Berger is running for Ohio State House of Representative for the 41st District. Cateis an experienced leader in the non-profit sector. If elected, Cate will bring her skills at listening, connecting, educating, and engaging with her community around shared values to represent the voices for all constituents of her district. Cate will be a champion for equality and equity for all, especially for women.
WebsiteMeet The Candidate
Can you tell our members a little bit about your journey to filing as a candidate?
After the tragic summer of 2019 in Dayton, my ongoing personal interest and engagement in politics locally, in Columbus, and federally hit a fever point. “Do Something” hit home in more ways than one. I was tired of having elections in my area with candidates that didn’t reflect my values, myself, or my concerns for the future – and who frankly, didn’t do much. I knew I had to get involved, and initially thought I’d find a way to bring my professional skills and talents as well as deep involvement in my community to get quality, progressive candidates elected up and down the ballot. I soon found myself being asked and asking…why not you? I realized my frustration and anxiety about what was happening was best served to step into this race and do something about it by being a voice for my community and a representative for them in Columbus.
How did one of these experiences shape who you are as a person and a leader?
As a non-profit professional and a mother – I see every day those who have and those who do not. I also see the failures we have in our state government to strategically and thoughtfully address issues that impact large sections of our society. Being a working mom means making difficult decisions, working tirelessly, constantly considering others, and making a plan to get things done.
The Matriots PAC has a bold goal to see 50% of all elected offices in Ohio held by women by 2028. What is your vision for Ohio in 2028?
Elected officials ALL across Ohio, and at all levels that reflect the communities they serve. Many, many more women in these roles, being the fierce and vocal advocates we are. Making equitable education accessible, healthcare affordable, and prosperity and safety more abundant for all Ohioans.
Tip O’Neill famously said that “all politics is local.” What are the top-two issues your community faces today?
The 41st House District is focused on the continued issue of COVID 19 – we have to continue to get through this pandemic safely. This means schools and businesses opening in a manner that is safe for employees and consumers alike. Further, my community is deeply concerned about the ongoing corruption issue in the State House. We need new experienced leadership to represent us, and I’m the candidate to make that happen!
Tell us something personal about yourself. It can be a hobby, your favorite food, a funny pet story, something we might not know about you that you would like to share with our members.
I am a proud “soccer mom”. Having been an athlete throughout my youth, I love watching my daughters play sports. I also use my years of cheerleading experience to be THE loudest Mom on the sidelines. I find it helps me to manage the stress of watching the fierce competition of 8 and 10 years, by constant encouragement and cheering for all!