Carolyn Rice
Montgomery County Commissioner
Southwest Ohio, Countywide
Commissioner Carolyn Rice is running for reelection to continue to serve her community. As a Commissioner, and current President, she has focused on issues including birth-to-age-3 child development, solutions to homelessness, youth internships and work-based learning, addiction prevention, criminal justice, economic development, sustainability, and mental health. Prior to her work as County Commissioner, she earned her MBA and has had a diverse career path, focusing on business, education, and public service. She worked 17 years in the private sector for a variety of organizations, including gaining insight as an elementary school teacher, and has served her community as an active member on many boards. Reelecting Commissioner Rice will ensure Matriots values have an advocate in Montgomery County.
Carolyn Rice for Montgomery County CommissionerI absolutely, positively love rolling up my sleeves, tackling major problems that our county faces, and collaborating with others to create new, effective solutions.
– Commissioner Carolyn Rice