Carmen Laudato
Portage County Commissioner
Northeast Ohio, Countywide
Carmen Laudato has lived in Portage County since 2008, actively taking on leadership roles in the community. She chaired the Streetsboro Levy Committee (P.A.S.S.) and led successful efforts to pass the 2011 levy. She also co-founded the nonprofit Parents for Public Schools, organizing community events that contributed to ongoing levy successes.
Recognizing the need for economic development, Carmen successfully led a ballot initiative, local issue 21, formed a PAC, and campaigned for the creation of an Economic Development Director position in Streetsboro, which led to significant city growth. She has served as President of the Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Committee, was appointed to the CRA Housing Council, and was elected Finance Chair after winning a seat on the Council at Large, ensuring no deficit budgets during her tenure.
After moving to Ravenna, Carmen continued her civic engagement by serving on the Planning Commission. She is now running for County Commissioner, committed to bringing a fresh perspective to Portage County. The Matriots are excited to endorse Carmen Laudato for Portage County Commissioner.
Carmen Laudato for Portage County CommissionerAdvocacy has always come naturally to me, and I never just talk about change, I take initiative, I take action.
– Carmen Laudato